Tuesday, February 24, 2009


A few Saturdays agao Tyler had the Blue and Gold Banquet/Pinewood Derby so we all went with him to check out the action.

The track was brand new and was really cool. Tyler was in charge of computer part of it of course :)

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After each race the winners were displayed on a huge screen...IMG_7741 edit web

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Ella loved watching the cars go flying by... IMG_7747 edit web

Cade playing with his friends...they were snakes :)IMG_7750 edit web

After the boys were done with their races they let the kids' do some fun races. The girls seemed to be the ones most fasinated by the track.

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The kids were really excited about Valentine's Day this year, they each addressed all of their Valentines themselves and Summer made her own box at home.

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We went to Jace's classroom first and helped him decorate a cookie...IMG_4464 web

then we went to Summer's class and had fun watching her classmates tease her. The boy in the glasses is our next door neighbor, Cole. He kept wanting us to take him home with us so he wouldn't have to walk home. Tyler asked him if he wanted to be a part of our family and he said no, he couldn't because we don't have Halo 3. :)IMG_4470 web 

Summer loves taking the little camera and taking her own pictures, she hasn't quite figured out the zoom button yet...IMG_4483 webIMG_4484 web IMG_4487 web 

And, for my mom, a picture of the teachers' gifts. I got the little mailboxes at Target in the Dollar Spot and then filled them with candy.IMG_4443 webIMG_4445 web

And a sneak peek of what's up next...

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Wendy said...

Those mailboxes are so cute! How do you find the time to be so crafty?

Jared Crookston said...

What are the chances I can get Tyler to put some of those pictures up on the pack website? He can call or IM me or whatever for instructions.

Melanie said...

I LOVE the pic of the kids on the train track. I especially like Jace's hood. :) So cute.

Fabulous Terrah said...

The last picture makes me want to stayed tuned. What gorgeous babies you have Whitney!

Kris said...

That is the coolest pinewood derby I have ever seen. Sure beats when I was a kid.

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