Sunday, December 21, 2008

Another thing to cross of my list...

of things I never would have expected. Miss Ellie has her second broken bone in a little more than 10 months! On Tuesday all the kids were home for a "snow" day so I asked Summer to go check on Ella and see if she was awake from her nap. Summer got Ella out of the crib by herself and they both fell on the ground, Summer says Ella fell on her back. She was crying pretty good but soon stopped and was fine. During the next couple of days we noticed she would cry every time we lifted her arm and she would point to it if you asked where it hurt. I finally took her in yesterday and sure enough, she broke her collarbone. There is nothing they can do for it, we just have to watch her and make sure she is not using it too much, lots of tylenol and motrin for pain, and no roughhousing. She should be healed in about a month but she'll probably have a permanent knot on her collarbone :( She has been really good about it all, a little fussy and having a rough time sleeping but other than that still her happy, sweet self.

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And my pretty princess and her first ponytail! She kept it in for awhile but as soon as she remembered it was there she ripped it out. She is so funny, I put her up on my bathroom sink to do her hair and as soon as I'm done she looks at herself in the mirror and says...cute!

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In comparison, Summer's hair around the same age...

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We have a busy week ahead of mom and brother are here visiting now, we will go visit my grandparents today. Tomorrow we will see my dad and stepmom, we are going to the Gaylord Ice Sculpture show and then they are taking the kids with them to a hotel for the night. Tuesday we get a little break then my mom and stepdad will be back on Wednesday to spend Christmas with us. A couple days later we will leave for Midland to go visit Tyler's family. Lots of fun but very busy!


Wendy said...

I'm so sad to hear about Ella's collarbone. Those are adorable pictures of her ponytail.

crack'n up ourselves said...

Poor girl! I love her pony tail though!

Marnie said...

OH, sweet Ella. I"m so sorry to hear that she broke her collarbone and she doesn't even get to wear a cool neon colored cast.

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