Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our house: The Outside

Finally, as promised, more pictures of our house/neighborhood. I want to show the outside first because it is a big part of the reason that I love our house. The neighborhood and countryside is so beautiful. I didn't think I'd ever want to live in the country but I think I might be converted! Just as long as good shopping is close by :)


The "A" is our house...we are in the newest section of the subdivision and the closest to the elementary school (red arrow).

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A pretty field of flowers on the way to our house. There are lots of open fields along the way, in the spring there was tons of corn growing everywhere.

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Our house from a distance...a couple of streets over. There is lots of construction stuff's only going to get worse too :(

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A little closer... we really are the only house in our area for now. There are a total of 6 houses on our side of the street, a group of 3, us, and then 2 more.

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View from the back. Yes, I live in a box. Yes, I swore I would never live in a box. We didn't add the optional $4000 patio and we should have. I hate the way the back looks. It will definitely be something we look into adding later.

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The view down one side of the street from our front yard. It will be nice when our sidewalk goes further :)

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And right across from us. I LOVE this view :) I will be so sad when houses start going up, but I am definitely enjoying it for now.

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And our house...

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And I can't go without sharing one of a sunset. They are amazing out here, this was just the other night...

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Dadra said...

Your new home is so nice!! I loved the sunset picture and the surrounding area too. Can't wait to see some more pictures of the inside now!!

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